Thursday, December 31, 2009

I get 4 teeth extracted Friday Afternoon...Teeth extraction advice? The process..I'm on edge!!?

First off...RELAX...the more worked up and tense you are, the less the effect the novacaine is going to have.

But's how it's going to go:

- the dentist puts the novacaine in your gums. this hurts a little because of the pressure of the liquid in your gums

- about 15-30 minutes later they're gonna test the numbness of the area, once that's ready, they'll start pulling...

- it's gonna feel wierd, you feel an intense amount of pressure, but it doesn't really hurt too badI get 4 teeth extracted Friday Afternoon...Teeth extraction advice? The process..I'm on edge!!?
Ask them to put you to sleep.I get 4 teeth extracted Friday Afternoon...Teeth extraction advice? The process..I'm on edge!!?
My daughter had all four of her impacted and had them out a week ago. They now usually put you completely under, you won't feel anything during the actual procedure. However you won't be able to drive, so you'll need someone to bring you there and back home. Once you get home, make certain you STAY in bed for the first 24 hours. My daughter passed out twice and had a drop in bp after she first came home....she was given a lot of liquids, I made whipped potatos and served them at room temp, they can't be hot or you'll swell more. It also keeps the nausea under control. Jello felt good on her gums. She enjoyed the ravioli and really anything soft. Soft scrambled eggs in the am....You HAVE to take food with your meds or your stomach will be in bad shape......If you can have some family help you'll do much better...I wish you much luck and quick drinking from a straw, keep your tongue away from the incisions....
well its not really as bad as it sounds. but ya it sucks. what i do is take about 800mg of ibpro. like an hr before u go. helps take the edge off and some pain
oh man..when i did that i was swollen for weeks...and it got infected twice. Be REALLY careful when eating and if you are swollen be careful not to make any sudden movements or lift anything heavy...just take it easy and keep the areas CLEAN..i know it seems like the pain will never go away but there is an end to your patient, you'll be fine

oh yeah...ur gonna feel A LOT OF PRESSURE...not pain, just pressure...its not a very comfortable feeling but ust hang in's over before you expec it to be

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