Monday, December 28, 2009

Overley Dramatic afternoon!!!!! Any advice?

Ok so heres what happened:

So on the bus this girl, we'll call her ';Becky';, was all mad because this kid, we will call ';Ray';, had the window down and it was raining really hard!!! Every body on the back of the bus was screaming to roll the window up. So Ray put the window up only half way. Then Becky started yelling, and when I say yelling I mean yelling, at Ray to ';roll the F*****g window up.'; Then Ray just ignore her. Then the bus driver pulls over, and forgets to put the bus into park, and we start rolling off the road. Were yelling, ';Put the bus into park!!'; So she did, then she started yelling at Becky. The Becky started yelling at the bus driver. So the bus driver decides to DRIVE BACK TO THE SCHOOL!!!! We were all so MAD!! Then Becky i on the phone with her mom, and she yells out loud, ';WE HAVE TO GO BACK TO THE SCHOOL BECAUSE THE BUS DRIVER IS AN F*****G B***H!!'; So the my friend, we'll call her ';Ashley'; starts crying because her mom gets mad at her whenever stuff like this happens and she gets in SO much trouble. Also she was crying because Becky was her BFF and when she would have to tell her mom what happened, then her mom wouldn't even let her say the name Becky ever again! Then my other friend, we'll call, ';Amber'; says something to Ray, which I didn't hear, the Ray starts cussing her out! Then SHE starts crying because she thinks she is going to get in trouble. The my brother, ';Chris'; We'll call him, starts sticking up for Ray and starts yelling at the girls. Now all the girls hate him. The Ray started cussing at Becky, the Becky and Ray start pushing each other. Then the bus driver got REAL MAD! Once we get to school, the security gaurd came on the bus and talked to us about bus saftey, The the DEAN came on the bus. She is really nice though. She made Becky get off of the bus, and she said, since we were all eye-witnesses, we had to write a statement telling what had happened on the bus. Then, rumors started around the bus, as we were leaving, that the bus driver was racist, because Ray was black, and so was the bus driver, and Ray didn't get in trouble for anything!!! Then Chris started yelling at the girls again! The one of the girls was yelling at him. Now I feel sorry for him because he was crying. Then, finally, my big brother, ';Don'; picked me and my brothers up. Then he told us he was smoking! I literally started bawling! He said it didn't matter. Even though we told him he could get cancer and all of that stuff, he said its not that hard to stop, and we weren't changing anything!

Any advice for me or to tell my friends??

Overley Dramatic afternoon!!!!! Any advice?
All of this is now in the past. If you keep talking about or doing things about it you will drag the upsets into the future. That is why countries fight wars for decades and centuries. Because they cannot forgive and forget. We keep talking about water which has run under the bridge, and our future becomes an instant replay of the past.

You see, Ray, didn't roll down the window because something Becky did reminded him of what someone else did in the past which he didn't like so he ignored her, just like he ignored whoever in the past was upsetting him.

Becky, got angry because Ray, ignoring her reminded her of someone else in the past who ignored her, which angered her again.

This is how you get old, benOverley Dramatic afternoon!!!!! Any advice?
Well, just write the paper and turn it in. It will blow over quicker than you think. And the part about literally bawling because your brother smokes - that is just pure drama queen stuff. People smoke - get over it. It isn't going to kill him any time in the next several decades. It is not like he joined the military or something.

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